Lean 5S Training Singapore
Target Audience
All participants who are interested in improving the work environment and driving productivity in the workplace
5S originated
- Understand the purpose of 5S
- Importance and benefits of 5S in creating a more productive work environment
- Able to define and implement each of the principles of 5S
- Know how to implement 5S program in the organization
- Understand the critical success factors to sustain 5S culture
- Introduction to 5S
- Benefits of 5S
- The 5S principles
- 1S – Sort (Seiri)
- 2S – Set In Order (Seiton)
- 3S – Shine (Seiso)
- 4S – Standardize (Seiketsu)
- 5S – Sustain (Shitsuke)
- Visual Control + 5S
- Implementing 5S in your organization
- Critical Success Factors
Learning Methodology
Diverse interactive activities including videos, games, group discussion to enable participants to learn the concepts, tools and techniques
Duration 1 day