“If you can do 5S, you can do anything. The company that can do well with the 5S’s can also do well with all the other practices. The company that cannot even implement the basic 5S’s, will not be able to do any of the other things required of a competitive organization”

Takashi Osada

The 5S’s: Five Keys to a Total Quality Environment

Lean 5S Training Singapore

Target Audience

All participants who are interested in improving the work environment and driving productivity in the workplace


5S originated from Japan and is widely used to create a discipline workforce and better working condition. It is the bed rock in driving productivity, quality, safety and morale in the any organization. If an organization can do 5S, it can do anything. Our 5S training is designed to enable you to apply the principles of 5S to your organization.


  • Understand the purpose of 5S
  • Importance and benefits of 5S in creating a more productive work environment
  • Able to define and implement each of the principles of 5S
  • Know how to implement 5S program in the organization
  • Understand the critical success factors to sustain 5S culture


  • Introduction to 5S
  • Benefits of 5S
  • The 5S principles
    • 1S – Sort (Seiri)
    • 2S – Set In Order (Seiton)
    • 3S – Shine (Seiso)
    • 4S – Standardize (Seiketsu)
    • 5S – Sustain (Shitsuke)
  • Visual Control + 5S
  • Implementing 5S in your organization
  • Critical Success Factors

Learning Methodology 

Diverse interactive activities including videos, games, group discussion to enable participants to learn the concepts, tools and techniques

Duration 1 day

Contact Form

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